Friday, October 29, 2010


3. Describing the exercise and assessment process. What did you discover about yourself? What area have you chosen to be a focus of growth and development? Why? What are some specific exercises or activities that you can implement to foster greater wellness in this area?  
The exercise process

According to (Elliot S. Dacher, 2006),  a mini meditation exercise “can be quite powerful in expanding your mind and heart. It can serve as an antidote to anger and hatred. It can help to shift your focus from personal love to universal loving-kindness.” (p.93) One particular exercise process can be completed by repeating these phrases ten times:

“May all individuals gain freedom from suffering. May all individuals find sustained health, happiness and wholeness. May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering. May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.” (p.93)

The assessment process

According to (Elliot S. Dacher, 2006. p.115), an assessment process can be done by asking myself a series of questions.  Five specific examples of questions which focus on healing and promoting integral development are:

1. “What aspect of my life-psychospiritual, biological, interpersonal, or worldly- is the source of difficulty and suffering?” (HEALING)
2. “What line of development is most essential for me at this time?” (HEALING)
3. “What is my current level of development and what can I aim for.” (HEALING)
4. “What area of my life is ready for growth and development?” (PROMOTING)
5. “What would the next level of development look like?” (PROMOTING)

What did you discover about yourself?

I have now realized that I am not fully focused on ensuring that the needs of others come first and that I need to learn more about where I can improve my own integral development. (If I improve my own integral development then the need to focus on others first will naturally follow.)

What area have you chosen to be a focus of growth and development? Why?  

I have chosen to focus on decreasing my subconscious level of self-centeredness. If I can accomplish this task then I will gradually acquire positive psychological development and become a more productive member of society.

What are some specific exercises or activities that you can implement to foster greater wellness in this area?   

After completing the exercise and assessment processes, I learned that I need to take part in daily mini-meditation and assessment activities. These include immediate implementation of the two exercises/activities which I stated above. (I will first repeat those four specific phrases and then focus on addressing five healing and promoting integral development questions.) 

Elliot S. Dacher (2006). INTEGRAL HEALTH. The Path To Human Flourishing

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